We encourage to contribute to the events sharing your scientific research & commercial development on the topics related (but not limited) to:
- organic and hybrid solid-state and hybrid neuromorphic devices;
- neuromorphic devices operated in electrolytes;
- materials design for neuromorphic devices and neural networks;
- neuromorphic logic and artificial neural networks;
- modelling and simulations;
- sensors and biosensors;
- neuromorphic device architectures for the central nervous system;
- neural implants and prosthetics;
- brain-machine interfaces;
- applications to neurosciences;
- intelligent soft sensors & biosensors.
Abstract submission deadline has been prolonged until June 30.
Notification of acceptance for oral presentations (12+3min)/ poster abstracts: until July 14.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the electronic conference booklet as submitted.
The posters in A0 portrait format will be displayed throughout the conference. Poster authors are supposed to be present during the two poster sessions in front of their posters, to discuss their scientific results with the other participants of the conference.
The 3 best posters will be selected for the NOD Workshop poster award.
Poster prizes sponsored by Ossila, a research focused company who provide low price equipment and high quality materials for the synthesis and characterization of organic devices.
Call for papers – Invitation to authors
Special Issue on occasion of the NOD Workshop 2023
Submission Deadline: March 31st, 2024
Submit Your Paper!